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Biciklizam: Austro-Ugarske utvrde i Avanturistički park Fortica

Od€ 45
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Dolaskom na teritoriju Bosne i Hercegovine, Austro-Ugarska Monarhija donosi novu eru u razvoju civilizacije, kulture i modernih metoda ratovanja i utvrđivanja.

With their arrival to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, besides new culture and new way of living the Austro-Hungarian monarchy also brought along a new way of modern warfare and new way of defending the borders. One of novelties was also the construction of belt fortifications i.e. rings consisting of several independent forts and interpositions (so-called intervals) around a larger inhabited area.

The Austro-Hungarian engineering directorate dedicated great attention to the defense and fortification of its eastern borders. The most threatened part of the eastern border was located in Herzegovina, thus 90 percent of fortifications built in Bosnia and Herzegovina were built precisely at this area.

One of the strongest monarchies in history, the Austro-Hungarian one, has left an important mark in the history and development of Mostar. As the city was one of the most important, the Monarchy built a system of fortifications around the city. Forts or permanent fortifications were built on the hills from which a good view was necessary for defense against the enemy, and thus a visual connection with the neighboring fortifications was provided. Most of the fortifications were built southeast of Mostar in the area of Podveležje, where this cycling trail passes. At the same time, the route of this trail belongs to the area of Bike Park Velež, and all the fortifications in that area are more precisely marked there.

The first fortified line was at the area of Trebinje and Bileća, including Avtovac as impedimental area. The defense line Kalinovik, Ulog-Obrnja, Nevesinje, Stolac was built as the second line within Herzegovina. The belt fortification Mostar was a background stronghold, a logistics base and command spot for the first two lines, and eventually the administrative and military headquarters of Herzegovina.

In addition to numerous fortifications in the area, a huge infrastructure network was also built as logistics support, in terms of roads, railways, warehouses, water tanks with collectors, water supply network in the urban area of Mostar, firing fields, hospitals, army cemeteries, air base in Jasenica, etc.

Unfortunately, not many fortresses are preserved around Mostar today. Remains of six military fortifications can be seen in the area of Podveležje, which have been used in the past war as well by military formations passing through this area. Therefore, even twenty years after the last war the remnants of weapons and military equipment can still be found around the forts.

All facts mentioned above indicate that Mostar was the most fortified city in B&H, and some areas such as Podveležje and especially the hill Hum above Mostar make up possibly the most dense system of fortifications in the world.

The forts in Herzegovina have completely served their purpose during the First World War, thus this part of the battlefield was never endangered.

Only four Austro-Hungarian fortifications in BiH have been declared a national monument, not because they are Austro-Hungarian, but because three are within the existing medieval fortification complexes.

Detalji ture

Mjesto polaska i povratka

Mostar (Google Mapa)

Vrijeme polaska


Cijena uključuje

  • Pomoć i sugestije
  • Ručak: Lokalna kuhinja
  • Kava ili čaj u Avanturističkom parku Fortica
  • Mape (mapa ili GPX snimak)

Na zahtjev

  • Profesionalni cikloturistički vodič
  • Organizacija smještaja
  • Transfer osoba i bicikala
  • Zip Line - 25 €
  • Garmin uređaj: dodatno 10.00€
  • Brdski bicikl - 15€; E-Bike - 30€Dopuna: kaciga, brava za bicikl, komplet za popravak guma

Nije uključeno

  • OsiguranjePutno osiguranje nije uključeno. Molimo vas da se osigurate u domovini.
  • NapojniceNapojnice nisu uključene u cijenu izleta. Ako dobijete izvrsnu uslugu, razmislite o napojnici.
  • Privatni obilazakSve ture su dijeljene, osim ako nisu posebno rezervirane kao privatne.
Šta očekivati

Koristeći postojeće ostatke austrougarske baštine na brdu Fortica, turistička ponuda Mostara obogaćena je takozvanim „Putom austrougarskih utvrda“ koji obilazi ostatke utvrda na Fortici. Dio trase austrougarskih utvrda ušao je i u biciklističku rutu koja je duga 42 km i na kojoj su putokazima označene sve utvrde na ovom području.
Obilazak je najbolje krenuti iz mostarskog naselja Opine, odakle slijedite gotovo 14 km dugu cestu uz koju se nalazi šest austrougarskih utvrda: Werk 9, Fortica, Mali grad, Guberača, Merdžan-glava i Sveta gora.

Iznad mostarskog naselja Opine stiže se do prve utvrde Werk 9. Četiri kilometra dalje, u nastavku makadamske ceste prema platou Podveležje, nalaze se ostaci utvrde Mali grad. Nastavljajući dalje makadamom, za 15 minuta hoda dolazite do sljedeće utvrde, Guberače. Pola sata hoda dalje dolazite do sljedeće utvrde, Merdžan-glave. Od Merdžan-glave vodi austrougarska cesta duga oko šest kilometara prema mostarskom naselju Zalik, koja je asfaltirana, a koja se na jednom mjestu račva prema preostale dvije utvrde: Svetoj Gori i Fortici.

Nakon obilaska utvrde Merdžan-glava, nastavljamo vožnju prema selu Gornje Gjojnice, te pravimo kratku pauzu za ručak u restoranu Montanaro u Podveležju. Nakon ručka nastavljamo vožnju biciklom do brda Fortica ili avanturističkog parka "Zipline Fortica". Izdižući se iznad Mostara pruža se prekrasan pogled na Grad Mostar, a njegov vrh je na planinarskom domu Fortica gdje se možete okušati u spustu niz "Zip Line“, hodajući po staklenom mostu s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na Mostar ili ViaFerati. Ovaj aranžman uključuje nezaboravno iskustvo spuštanja niz “Zip line” na Fortici u ukupnoj dužini od 1.000m s prekrasnim pogledom na Mostar i okolicu. Postoje dva kabela, jedan dugačak 570m, a drugi 430m koji povezuje dvije uzvisine iznad Mostara. Ako se odlučite za Zipline uključena je i kratka obuka, uz upotrebu opreme i pomoć instruktora.


  • Odgovara samo brdskim biciklima
  • Dužina staze: 44km
  • Nadmorska visina: 1.072m
  • Težina: Srednje kategorije
  • Posjet tvrđavama: Fortica; Mali grad; Guberača; Merdžan glava; Sveta gora i tvrđavi Werk 9
  • Avanturistički park ForticaPružanje usluga: ZIP Line; Penjanje; Abseil (Rappel); Via ferrata + planinarenje; Divovska ljuljačka...
  • Prolazeći pored vjetrenjača
  • Ručak: domaća kuhinja u restoranu Montanaro
Plan puta

10:00hPolazište: Mostar

10:00h - 14:00hBicikliranje: Mostar - Opine - Podveležje - restaurant Montanaro - Fortica - Mostar

13:00hRučak: domaća kuhinja u restoranu Montanaro

14:30hZip Line Fortica

16:00hKraj izleta: Mostar


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