Dompes (Franciscan hotel) is a project by the Herzegovinian Franciscans to assist students of lower economic status from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Europe. With the help of numerous donors, construction began in 2015 and is still ongoing. The building is located near the Franciscan Monastery of St. Peter and Paul, on the site of the former HKUD Hrvoje building. This project aims to ease the financial burden of studying in Mostar for parents and students. The first users, or students, moved into the dormitory in 2017, and their number has been increasing year by year.

The soup kitchen, which opened in 2017, operates on the principle of delivering food to those most in need.
In addition to students, Dompes offers accommodation for professors and other guests visiting Mostar. By renting rooms and organizing meals for different groups, we aim to make this project self-sustaining and reduce student expenses to a minimum.